Saturday, November 8, 2008

Unbelief - Organic Eggs in Ghana

I recently introduced to the world of HYIP. Stands for High Yield Investment Programs.
The Lord Jesus Christ had told me in my prayer time that this was going to be a "high capital" period of time for me.

Well, obviously I was on the look out for any and all opportunities. I was thrilled when a former banker friend emailed me and said he had an investment opportunity that was paying out 1%-3%.

I thought big deal. "My money's doing better than that", I said.
"A year right?", "no" he said "a day".
What! That was my introduction to HYIP and guess what that was considered a rather low rate of return.

Well, I will be discussing much more about all of this in the weeks that follow.

But let's get back to the title real quick.
Fact is I was raised in Ghana, W. Africa and I wish I had known about HYIP's then.
When I was 8 I bought a rooster and two hens. Well you know what in just a couple years I had about three dozen chickens and eggs coming out every day. Day after day and you know what?
I couldn't get enough eggs for the demand. And it cost me about a half a cent a egg and sold a dozen for a buck.

Now, think with me if I could sell all the eggs I could provide and it cost me 6 cents and so my profit was 96 cents.
I needed capital and I could easily pay out 5% a day to ANYONE who wanted to lend me money.
Get it?
More later.

Jake Jacob